Not Quite Extinct

I lucked into a copy of Extinction by Douglas Preston from NetGalley.

It started as a thriller in the spirit of Jurassic Park. In a beautiful place in Colorado, an eccentric billionaire decided to de-extinct Pleistocene megafauna. All is well until high profile guests are taken, presumed dead.

Unsurprisingly, the corporation behind it was up to more nefarious things than resurrecting giant ground sloths. When the big bad is revealed, it feels less summer blockbuster and more SyFy channel original movie. People also do some remarkably stupid things to further the plot along the way. There are organized homicidal maniacs running amok but we wouldn’t want to stop the Hollywood studio from filming.

In the positive, it was very readable, fast paced, and fun. Exactly what you’d want for a summer read. I enjoyed it but it definitely stretched my willing suspension of disbelief a little too far. 3.5/5

TW for violence and descriptions of cannibalism. If you can handle an episode of Criminal Minds, this should be fine.

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