A Cozy Conundrum

I picked up a cozy mystery to get some lighter audiobooks going since 2020 is quite a stressful time to be alive. Death by Pumpkin Spice by Alex Erickson was light, fluffy, and a little silly. But some aspects of it needled me.

At some point, the part of my brain that was supposed to be anxious and insecure said “This is too much work” and switched off. It was always defective to begin with so this wasn’t a huge leap. The older I’ve gotten, the less I care.

Crazy shit happens and you roll with it. The opinions of 99% of people you’ll ever meet don’t matter. If I don’t respect you, I actively do not care what you think.

I’m not sure if Krissy’s anxiety and insecurity is an accurate representation of the ‘typical’ female brain. It seems vaguely representative of the low grade anxiety a lot of people talk about on social media.

The insecurity and negative self-talk feel pretty on track. I was a Designated Ugly Fat Friend for a while. Krissy also had relationship baggage from a cheating ex.

I’d feel better about these musings if I figured out if Alex was a man or a woman. Given the fairly standard gender representation, a third option did not seem likely.

He’s a cis het white man as far as I can tell. His socials give nothing away about his political leanings or general stance as a person.

Grady Hendrix’s stance on writing women is to write them like people. It’s part of why I like his characters so much. I’m not sure Erickson is doing that. Is he writing women how he thinks they should be? Is he basing it on his wife? Sisters, if he has them?

I’ve been watching The Good Place with Hubs so I feel like I’m pulling a Chidi, over analyzing this instead of enjoying it.

I enjoyed Pumpkin Spice enough I went back to the beginning of the series. I need a light distraction. Other little things have popped up that annoy me irrelevant from the higher nonsense.

Krissy had a hard time with ‘anaphylactic shock’ and other big words but helps her mystery writer father and owns a bookstore cafe. This just felt like bad writing.

I work with cats enough to know some basics. Her cat hates his litter box but Krissy seems like a first class idiot in dealing with it. Use a special spray to clean messes and change the litter. He hates sand? We have a client who uses weird pellet things. Another found crushed walnut shell litter. Some cats can be toilet trained.

Should I quit and try to find another cozy series by a woman? I feel like all this ‘pulling a Chidi’ is not a good sign.

Cheap, Easy, and Fast Halloween Costumes

It’s crunch time. Need a costume but done have much cash? Don’t want to go all out for a Zoom Halloween party? Forgot what month it is? Some of these make work for you.

Conspiracy Theorist

Buy foil. Make a hat

The Freshmaker

Buy a bunch of mentos

Smarty Pants

Buy Smarties. Tape to pants.


Buy Mylar blankets (cheap and handy in an emergency). Tape one around your body.

Pantone Color

Wear one color. Write Pantone on a small piece of white poster board. Tape to bottom of garment

Victim of Higher Education

Still have your old graduation gown and/or cap? Add that and a lipstick line or fake blood across your throat.

Formal Apology

Wear a fancy dress. Make a ribbon sash with the word APOLOGY or SORRY written on it.


Buy cheap undershirt. Get sharpie. Write ‘Error 404. Costume not found.’

It’s Raining Men

Get pictures of hot, male celebrities. Tape to string. Tape string to umbrella. Add rain boots if available.

Brawny Guy

Plaid, flannel shirt + paper towels. Don’t have the right print flannel? You’re the knock-off brand.

Blessing in Disguise

Cheap undershirt + Blessing written in Sharpie. Add plastic glasses with fake nose and mustache.

Ceiling fan

Cheap undershirt, write “Go ceiling.” Optional foam finger

She Sells Seashells

Be a woman. Tape seashells (bagged or not) to the inside of your coat.

The Bachelor(ette)

Wear semi-formal to cocktail attire. Carry a bunch of roses.


Wear appropriate shirt and strike a pose 🤷🏻‍♀️


Too much makeup and a product you’re shilling.

Steve Jobs

Black turtleneck and high waisted jeans. Alternatively, the Theranos founder.

Rainy day

Dark blue and/or gray outfit. Cut white poster board into a cloud.

Regular Cat

All black and cat ears. Cheap eyeliner or washable marker for whiskers if you’re committed.

Copy Cat

Cat ears + a cheap white undershirt with the COPY written on it. Tail optional.

Sociopath or demonically possessed

Wear whatever. They look like everyone else.

Do Not Care Bear

Wear all one color. Write meh on a circular piece of poster board. Tape to stomach.

Tough Cookie

Cheap undershirt with the word ‘COOKIE’ written on it. Boxing gloves.

Catcher in the Rye

Got a baseball or softball mitt? Go buy some rye bread.


Tape sponges to a shirt

Tickled Pink

Wear all pink. Giggle often.

September Wrap-Up and October TBR

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Summer is over and fall weather is finally starting to creep in. Once again, I failed for check of anything on last month’s TBR but reading did happen. I’ve been doing mostly nonfiction on audio and fiction on my ereader.

September Wrap-Up

Fear by Bob Woodward

I saw he was coming out with another book so I decided to go back and listen to this on audio. It will never cease to amaze me how stupid Bunker Boy truly is. Because so much was still happening the ending didn’t feel like much of an ending. 4/5

Malorie by Josh Malerman

I had a whole rant about why I didn’t like this book and am quitting this author. I made it halfway, found spoilers online, and quit. 2/5

Twilight of Democracy by Anne Applebaum

I listened to this on audio. It was very interesting but mainly focused on Europe. I was distracted during much of my listening so I didn’t get quite as much out of it as I’d hoped. 4/5

Talk Nerdy to Me by Tiffany Schmidt

The third installment of her Bookish Boyfriend series. This one combines Frankenstein with Anne of Green Gables for a very compelling story about finding yourself and needing a family. Minor deductions for me wanting to shout “You people need therapy” multiple times. 4/5

The Cult of Trump by Steven Hassan

Hassan is a former cult member and current expert. He goes into detail about how cults work and how some of the same techniques they use have created the devout following Agolf Twitler enjoys. It was more about cults than MAGAts which was disappointing for me but overall, very informative. 4/5

New books I read with the baby

  • A Mother Goose board book
  • The Adventures of John Muir
  • All about Spot
  • Woke Baby

I made a dent in Bring Up Bebe and the audiobook for Fascism by Madeleine Albright.

I’m only putting 2 books on here this year because I’ve got a few library holds but I want the freedom to go where the spooky mood moves me.

October TBR

Doctor Who: Forever Autumn

I’ve been dying to watch some episodes but it’s not available on any of the streaming services we pay for. Might as well enjoy a fall themed story to tide me over until the series changes hands.

Doorbells at Dusk

A Halloween anthology that I’ve been saving for this occasion.

Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh

I just got this from the library yesterday. I adored her first book so I’m very excited about the sequel.

I’ve got several other horror stories perfect for this time of year but I’m not sure what I’ll have time for or what I’ll be in the mood for. I’ll keep my options open.