Gender Queer, Gender Here

There was an attempt to ban this book in my state recently (VA). Thank the first amendment it failed. I can see why this book makes people uncomfortable. It deals with sex, gender, bodily fluids and a variety of other uncomfortable topics. That’s why it matters so much. It’s so important for kids who don’t exist on the gender binary to see themselves *anywhere*.

I don’t think anyone younger than 14 should read this. Some of the content is graphic and adult. But that’s a choice between the parent and the child. It should be available for purchase or from the library. You can’t censor queer people out of existence.

I was mildly annoyed to see a new set of gender neutral pronouns. My brain is still working on learning ‘they’ is not just a plural pronoun. Then I checked my cishet privilege. I exist in a world and body that is comfortable for me. I didn’t struggle to figure where I fit between 2 boxes that didn’t match. It’s my job to respect my fellow humans. Their identities do not exist for my comfort.

I’m going to keep trying to be a better ally and learning. I read this to learn and support free speech. I’m going to put my copy of Gender Queer in a Little Free Library and hope it finds its way to someone who needs it.

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