Book Tag: Star Wars

It’s been a minute so I thought I’d do another book tag! Since there’s been an abundance of man tears being shed over Rogue One starring a woman, this seemed appropriate. This is an original tag so here’s the video. Thanks to Joana Sousa

1) R2-D2 – a book that made you laugh out loud

Adulthood Is a Myth by Sarah Andersen – A collection of delightful comics, she has a spot on talent for nailing the issues of rising adulthood.

2) Padme Amidala – Kickbutt female character

Adrienne Ashe from the Princeless series – She is a princess who is over waiting in a tower so she rescues herself and sets out to rescue all her sisters. If you haven’t started the series, what are you waiting for?

3) Leia Organa – Best or worst love triangle?

The Twilight Saga – Edward is controlling ass, Bella is too obsessed with Edward to have any feelings for anyone else, and Jacob has issues taking no for an answer. There’s also nothing remarkable about Bella since she’s more of a placeholder than a character so this makes even less sense. Just an all around fail.

4) Luke Skywalker – rising star author, a new author you’ve discovered and absolutely love

Daniel O’Malley – His first book, The Rook, came out a couple of years ago and the sequel comes out in June. I am so pumped! The Rook grabs you from the first sentence and doesn’t let you go. I’m hoping Stiletto to be more of the same.

5) Anakin Skywalker – a book or series that started out well and then became bad

Divergent – The series started off with a lot of promise and potential and then just took a nosedive in the final book. Maybe the movie was better but you can’t switch POV and not change the voice. I routinely would forget whose story I was reading. It was an all around fail.

6) Qui-Gon Jinn – Worst character death

SPOILER ALERT Claire from the Never Open Desert Diner – It was one of the few deaths since the Harry Potter series where I just sat there, processed what happened, and needed a hug before I could keep reading.

7) Han Solo – a book with a lot of sass

The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger – A Scottish werewolf, a fabulously gay vampire, and a HBIC who can knock them both on their ass? Yes please!

8) Emperor Palpatine- Best world Building?

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde – I could honestly pick any of his books but this one really resonated with me. Social hierarchy, political corruption, and a completely new way of life. The next books in the series can’t get here fast enough.

9) Ben Kenobi/Obi-Wan Kenobi – a book you went in with low expectations and that blew you away

Pedal Zombies edited by Elly Blue – I’m not a bike person and it was an indie that was kickstarted so I went in not expecting much I could relate to or care about. I will happily eat my plate of crow on that one. Most of the tales were phenomenal despite their brevity. I’m still amazed by how much I enjoyed this.

10) Yoda – a book that taught you something or that made you grow

The Infernals by John Connolly – It’s a story about how a young British boy and his dog go up against the devil, again. The writing is fantastic, the wit is always on point, and the life lessons in here will damn near break your heart. See for yourself

11) Darth Vader – favorite villain

Right now, I’m favoring President Snow from The Hunger Games. He’s an insidious sort of evil that can get under your skin and knows exactly how to hurt you. Even when he lost his power, Katniss was never immune to him.

In honor of the films finally passing the damn Bechdel test, I’m adding 2 of my own to this tag.

12) Rey – A feminist book you love

He’s a Stud, You’re a Slut by Jessica Valenti – I discovered this book right when I was discovering feminism. It hit me hard and I’ve loved her work ever since.

13) Rogue One – A book that stirred up a lot of controversy

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown – For an adventure novel, this pissed off a lot of Catholics. It wasn’t meant to be taken seriously or as gospel but the mere suggestion that their religion wasn’t completely kosher (pun intended), sent thousands into a tailspin. Am I the only one who paid attention to the history of the Catholic church? You know they’re still housing a Boston priest who pulled a Roman Polanski? Looking back, I find it hard to take seriously.

If you think all the nerds whining about women being cast as people rather than plot devices or props is BS, you may enjoy this shirt. I plan on wearing it to the movie when Boyfriend and my friends all get us to go.

2 thoughts on “Book Tag: Star Wars

    1. According to wikipedia, until 2018 for a prequel. Not what happens next, just what came first. I am disappoint. I want to watch the government topple and the truth of mildew to spread!


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